Ver(0.31) - Ver(0.13)
Ryu Honda Blanka Charlie Ken Dhalsim Gen Dan Adon Zangief Sakura ChunLi Rose R.Mika Karin Guy Sodom Birdie Rolento Cody Akuma Balrog Vega Sagat Bison All Juli Cammy Juni All

All Chars
Select Screen:
Default Color If it is in the default color each button selects a different color
Color Preview Hold and move cursor to change char color
Skip Selection The winner of the previous fight can skip the selection holding the
Before Fight:
Change Order (1-2) Hold , before the Stage is loaded
Change Order (1-3) Hold + , before the Stage is loaded
Invert Air Recovery Hold + , before the Stage is loaded to change Recovery mode selected
New Movements:
Short Jump or Quickly
Long Jump + or + or + Quickly
Run Quickly and hold
Back Step Quickly
Roll Press +
Escape Press +
In the Fight:
First Attack Power Level +1 (except in Zero Counter)
Provocation Randomly reduces a little of the opponent's Guard (except Dan)
No Air Guard Only Just Defence can be done on air
Guard Break When you lose all the guard (GuardBar -1) without recovering in the next round
Just Defence Block at the last moment (Cannot be done if you are already in the defense)
Air Recovery
Neutral - Press when knocked into the air
Front - Press + when knocked into the air
Back - Press + when knocked into the air
Ground Recovery Press or when knocked to the floor (vulnerable, distant, forward)
Roll Recovery Press + or + when knocked to the floor (invulnerable, short, back)
Tech. Hit Perform a Throw (air) to escape
Zero Counter Z Block, + (Guard -1, Lv -1.5)
Zero Counter V Block, + + (Guard -1, Lv -1.5)
Super Cancel Cancels a specific Special on a Super Lv1, Lv2 or Lv3 (Guard -2)
Custom Combo 1 + (Life <= 25%, Lv -3) can be finished with Supers
Custom Combo 2 + (Life <= 25%, Lv -3) can be finished with Supers
Custom Combo 3 + (Life <= 25%, Lv -3) can be finished with Supers
Daigo Mode + (Life <= 25%, Lv -3) auto Just Defence until the power goes out
After Fight:
Life Recovery Lv1 (+08) Hold Down + , before counting the Score (Power -1)
Life Recovery Lv2 (+18) Hold Down + , before counting the Score (Power -2)
Life Recovery Lv3 (+28) Hold Down + , before counting the Score (Power -3)
Max GuardBar Recovery Hold Down + , before counting the Score (Guard +1) if smaller than 5, (Power -2)

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Seichuu Nidan Tsuki +
Normal Throws:
Seoi Nage (close) / +
Tomoe Nage (close) / +
Command Moves:
Seichuu Nidan Tsuki +
Sakotsu Wari +
Senpuu Kyaku +
Special Moves:
Hadou no Kamae +
Hadouken +
X Hadouken +
Shoryuken +
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
Joudan Sokutou Geri + (New Move)
Super Moves:
Shinkuu Hadouken + (allowed to hold)
Shinkuu Tatsumaki +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Shin Shouryuuken +
Lv3 Upgrade:
ATK↑, SPD↑, DEF↓ + (Guard -2)

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Seichuu Nidan Tsuki +
Normal Throws:
Seoi Nage (close) / +
Tomoe Nage (close) / +
Kuuchuu Seoi Nage (close) / +
Command Moves:
Seichuu Nidan Tsuki +
Sakotsu Wari +
Senpuu Kyaku +
Push Block Block + (necessary to spend a little guardbar)
Special Moves:
Hadou no Kamae +
Fire Hadouken +
Fire X Hadouken +
Shoryuken +
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
Joudan Sokutou Geri + (New Move)
Ashura Senkuu Forward + or
Ashura Senkuu Backward + or
Super Moves:
Shinkuu Hadouken + (allowed to hold)
Shinkuu Tatsumaki +
Shinkuu Shoryuken +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Shun Goku Satsu
Power Lv+1 +

Cancellable Attacks:
Normal Throws:
Tawara Nage (close) / +
Saba Ori (close) / +
Tsuriyane Nage (close) / +
Command Moves:
Flying Sumo Press +
Hiza Geri +
Harai Geri +
Special Moves:
Hyakuretsu Harite or +
Super Zutsuki +
Super Hyakkan Otoshi +
Ooichou Nage +
Super Moves:
Oni Musou +
Fuji Oroshi +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Orochi Kudaki +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Rock Crush (close) or +
Normal Throws:
Wild Fang (close) / +
Jungle Slam (close) / +
Wild Shoot (close) / +
Command Moves:
Rock Crush (close) or +
Amazon River Run +
Special Moves:
Electric Thunder or +
Rolling Attack +
Backstep Rolling +
Vertical Rolling +
Surprise Forward
Surprise Back +
Super Moves:
Ground Shave Rolling +
Tropical Hazard + (New Move)

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Dragon Suplex (close) / +
Knee Gatling (close) / +
Flying Buster Drop (close) / +
Airjack (close) / +
Command Moves:
Jump Sobat + or +
Step Kick +
Special Moves:
Sonic Boom +
Vertical Sonic Boom + or +
Somersault Shell +
Knee Bazooka Any while running
Super Moves:
Sonic Break + ( )
Crossfire Blitz +
Somersault Justice +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Jigoku-guruma (close) / +
Tsukami Nage (close) / +
Jigoku Fuusha (close) / +
Command Moves:
Inazuma Kakato Wari +
Ushiro Mawashi-geri +
Special Moves:
Zentou +
Hadouken +
Fire Shoryuken +
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku +
Super Moves:
Shouryuu Reppa +
Shinryuuken + ( + )
Lv3 Super Moves:
Shippuujinrai Kyaku +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Crouching + +
Normal Throws:
Yoga Smash (close) / +
Yoga Throw (close) / +
Yoga Trip (close) / +
Command Moves:
Yoga Shock + (Hold )
Tegatana Suihei Chop +
Drill Zutsuki +
Drill Kick +
Kuuchuu Chouhatsu (While Jumping)
Special Moves:
Yoga Fire +
Yoga Flame +
Yoga Blast +
Yoga Teleport or + or
Yoga Escape + (Reversal Only)
Super Moves:
Yoga Inferno +
Yoga Strike +
Yoga Stream +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Yoga Tempest +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (Sou-Ryuu)
Crouching (Sou-Ryuu)
Standing (Ki-Ryuu)
Crouching (Ki-Ryuu)
Normal Throws:
Juraku (close) / +
Houzen (close) / +
Ansatsu Ken: (Sou-Ryuu) +
Special Moves:
Hyakurenkou +
Gekirou + ( )
Super Moves:
Zan'ei +
Shitenshuu +
Ansatsu Ken: (Ki-Ryuu) +
Kirou +
Satsujin +
Saizu Jump over opponent,
Uken > Shakudan + , quickly
Special Moves:
Jasen +
Ouga +
Super Moves:
Kouga +
Jakouha +
Lv1 Upgrade:
ATK↑, SPD↑, DEF↓ +

Gen +
Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (Sou-Ryuu)
Crouching (Sou-Ryuu)
Standing (Ki-Ryuu)
Crouching (Ki-Ryuu)
Normal Throws:
Juraku (close) / +
Houzen (close) / +
Shuuga (close) / +
Command Moves:
Ansatsu Ken: (Sou-Ryuu) +
Ansatsu Ken: (Ki-Ryuu) +
Kirou +
Satsujin +
Saizu Jump over opponent,
Uken > Shakudan + , quickly
Special Moves:
Hyakurenkou +
Gekirou + ( )
Jasen +
Ouga +
Super Moves:
Zan'ei +
Shitenshuu +
Kouga +
Jakouha +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Seoi Nage (close) / +
Otoko Nage (close) / +
Command Moves:
Push Block Block + (necessary to spend a little guardbar)
Special Moves:
Gadouken +
Koryuken +
Dankuukyaku +
Kuuchuu Dankuukyaku +
Zenten Chouhatsu +
Kouten Chouhatsu +
Super Moves:
Hisshou Buraiken +
Shinkuu Gadouken +
Kouryuu Rekka +
Chouhatsu Densetsu +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Gadou Shoukou Ken + (Life <= 25% + Lv3, Guard -2)
(New Move)

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Jaguar Carry (close) / +
Jaguar Slam (close) / +
Jaguar Stab (close) / +
Jaguar Throw (close) / +
Command Moves:
Jaguar Crunch +
Jaguar Kick +
Special Moves:
Jaguar Kick +
Rising Jaguar +
Jaguar Tooth +
Super Moves:
Jaguar Revolver + ( )
Jaguar Varied Assault + ( )

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Crouching +
Normal Throws:
Back Drop (close) / +
Kamitsuki (close) / +
Stomach Claw (close) / +
Piledriver (close) / +
Flying Piledriver (close) / +
Command Moves:
Body Press Jump diagonally, +
Double Knee Drop Jump diagonally, + or
Kuuchuu Headbutt + or
Dynamite Kick +
Russian Kick +
Special Moves:
Double Lariat or
Quick Double Lariat or
Screw Piledriver or +
Runnig Screw Piledriver or + while Run
Flying Powerbomb or +
Atomic Suplex (close) or +
Banishing Flat +
Super Moves:
Final Atomic Buster or 2x +
Aerial Russian Slam +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Sailor Punch +
Normal Throws:
Sakura-jime (close) / +
Sailor Shoot (close) / +
Sailor Fly (close) / +
Command Moves:
Sailor Punch +
Flower Kick +
Special Moves:
Hadouken + , (hold )
Shou'ouken +
Sakura Otoshi + ,
Shunpuukyaku +
Super Moves:
Shinkuu Hadouken +
Haru Ichiban +
Midare-zakura +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Koshuu Tou (close) / +
Ryuusei Raku (close) / +
Command Moves:
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Kouhou Kaiten Kyaku +
Kaku Kyaku Raku +
Kaku Kyaku Raku +
Special Moves:
Hyakuretsu Kyaku
Kikouken +
Sen'en Shuu +
Tenshoukyaku +
Spinning Bird Kick +
Super Moves:
Senretsu Kyaku +
Kikoushou +
Hazan Tenshoukyaku +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Soul Drain (close) / +
Soul Fade (close) / +
Command Moves:
Sliding +
Soul-piette +
Special Moves:
Soul Spark +
Soul Throw +
Soul Reflect +
Soul Spiral +
Super Moves:
Aura Soul Spark +
Aura Soul Throw +
Soul Illusion +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Normal Throws:
German Suplex (close) / +
Brain Buster (close) / +
Headbutt (close) / +
Hip Buster (close) / +
Neck Breaker (close) / +
Command Moves:
Flying Body Press Jump diagonally, +
Knee Drop Jump diagonally, +
Rainbow Sobat +
Sliding +
Special Moves:
Flying Peach +
Shooting Peach +
Paradise Hold +
Daydream Headlock + , or
Wingless Airplane +
Double Smash + (New Move)
Super Moves:
Heavenly Dynamite +
Rainbow Hip Rush +
Sardine's Beach Special +
Sardine's Beach Special maneuvers Moves:
Hashiru or
_Dageki: J. Ocean Drop Kick during Hashiru
_Dageki: Mika Sliding during Hashiru
_Dageki: Mika Lariat during Hashiru
__Moonsault Press Do nothing or press after Dageki
__Missile Kick after Dageki
__Paradise Hold or + after Dageki
__Paradise Hold Hold or after Dageki
__Wingless Airplane or + after Dageki
_Tobikoshi during Hashiru
_Tobikoshi Collide with opponent during Hashiru
__Haigotori or during Tobikoshi
___Enzui Lariat during Haigotori
___Enzui Drop Kick during Haigotori
___Rainbow Suplex or + during Haigotori
___Daydream Headlock or + during Haigotori

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Yashiro Kuzushi (close) / +
Homura-geri (close) / +
Abise Yashiro Kuzushi (front) (close) / +
Abise Yashiro Kuzushi (back) (close) / +
Command Moves:
Tsumuji-gari +
Special Moves:
Guren Ken + ,
__Guren Hou Shou After the first or second , +
__Guren Mujin Kyaku After the first or second
__Guren Chuu After the first or second , + ,
__Guren Sen Ha After the first or second , +
__Guren Yasha (Joudan) After the first or second , +
__Guren Yasha (Gedan) After the first or second , +
__Guren Daisoku Barai After the first or second , +
Hou Shou +
Mujin Kyaku +
Ressen Chou + ( )
Ressen Ha +
Yasha Gaeshi (Joudan) +
Yasha Gaeshi (Gedan) +
Arakuma Inashi +
Super Moves:
Kanzuki-ryuu Shinpikaibyaku +
Kanzuki-ryuu Kou'ou Ken +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Seoi Nage (close) / +
Tsukami Nage (close) / +
__Bushinryu Seoi Nage + during Tsukami Nage
Izuna Otoshi (close) / +
Command Moves:
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Hiji Otoshi +
Kubi Kudaki +
Kamaitachi +
Special Moves:
Bushin Gokusa Ken when close
Bushinryu Seoi Nage + when close
Bushin Izuna Otoshi + , close
Izuna no Hiji Otoshi + , far
Houzantou +
Bushin Senpuu Kyaku +
Hayagake: Kyuuteishi + +
Hayagake: Kage Sukui + +
Hayagake: Kubikari + +
Super Moves:
Bushin Hassou Ken +
Bushin Gourai Kyaku +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Bushin Musou Renge +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Shogun Throw (long) (close) / +
Shogun Throw (short) (close) / +
Daimyo Throw (close) / +
Command Moves:
Sliding +
Special Moves:
Jigoku Scrape +
Butsumetsu Buster +
Daikyou Burning +
Shiraha Catch +
Yagura Reverse +
Kouten Okiagari + (reversal only)
Tengu Walking + (reversal only)
Super Moves:
Meido no Miyage +
Ten Chuu Satsu +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Bull Spike (close) / +
Bad Throw (close) / +
Bad Scrap (close) / +
Command Moves:
Body Press +
Bull Drop +
Bad Hammer (close) standing hold
Special Moves:
Bull Head
Bull Horn Hold or , then release
Murderer Chain +
Bandit Chain +
Chain Earthquake + (New Move)
Super Moves:
The Birdie +
Bull Revenger + or

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Colonel Carrier (close) / +
Deadly Package (close) / +
Fatality Package (close) / +
Command Moves:
Trick Landing Just before landing, ( or ) +
Mekong Delta Attack , press , when landing
High Jump
Spike Rod + (repeat)
Fake Rod +
Special Moves:
Patriot Circle + (perform 3 times)
Stinger + , or
Mekong Delta Air Raid + ,
Mekong Delta Escape + , or + or
Super Moves:
Take no Prisoner +
Steel Rain +
Mine Sweeper +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Armed with Knife
Normal Throws:
Prisoner Throw (close) / +
Bad Stamp (close) / +
Guilty Stamp (close) / +
Command Moves:
Stomach Blow +
Crack Kick +
Special Moves:
Bad Stone + , hold to delay
Fake Throw + , hold to delay
Ruffian Kick +
Criminal Upper +
Bad Spray + (when knocked down)
Tokushu Koudou: Knife Hiroi + (near the knife)
Tokushu Koudou: Knife Kougeki + when armed
Tokushu Koudou: Knife Nage + when armed
Super Moves:
Yoke + (automatic dodge, until the round ends)
Final Destruction +
Dead End Irony +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Seoi Nage (close) / +
Tomoe Nage (close) / +
Jigoku-guruma (close) / +
Command Moves:
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku +
Zugai Hasatsu +
Senpuu Kyaku +
Special Moves:
Gou Hadouken +
Zankuu Hadouken +
Shakunetsu Hadouken +
Gou Shoryuken +
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku +
Ashura Senkuu Forward + or
Ashura Senkuu Backward + or
Hyakki Shuu +
__Hyakki Gou Zan do nothing
__Hyakki Gou Shou
__Hyakki Gou Sen
__Hyakki Gou Sai any direction + when close
__Hyakki Gou Tsui any direction + when close
Super Moves:
Messatsu Gou Hadou +
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu +
Tenma Gou Zankuu +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Shun Goku Satsu

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Head Bomber (close) / +
Kuuchuu Head Bomber (close) / +
Special Moves:
Dash Straight +
Dash Ground Straight +
Dash Upper +
Dash Ground Upper +
Buffalo Headbutt +
Turn Punch Hold or and release
Super Moves:
Crazy Buffalo + (hold for Dash Uppers)
Lv3 Super Moves:
Gigaton Blow +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Rainbow Suplex (close) / +
Stardust Drop (close) / +
Crescent Line (close) / +
Command Moves:
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Cosmic Smart
Short Backslash
Special Moves:
Rolling Crystal Flash +
Scarlet Terror
Sky High Claw +
Flying Barcelona Attack + , then
Izuna Drop + , then or
Kabe Hari Tsuki + (Vega's stage only)
Super Moves:
Flying Barcelona Special +
Izuna Drop + , then or
Kabe Hari Tsuki Special + (Vega's stage only)
Scarlet Mirage +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Red Impact +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Tiger Carry (close) / +
Tiger Rage (close) / +
Command Moves:
Fake Kick quickly press +
Special Moves:
Tiger Shot +
Ground Tiger Shot +
Tiger Blow +
Tiger Crush +
Super Moves:
Tiger Cannon +
Tiger Raid +
Tiger Genocide +
Angry Charge +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Deadly Throw (close) / +
Psycho Fall (close) / +
Special Moves:
Psycho Crusher Attack +
Psycho Shot +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
__Skull Diver or + after Head Press
Somersault Skull Diver + , or +
Vega Warp Forward + or
Vega Warp Backward + or
Super Moves:
Psycho Crusher +
Knee Press Nightmare +
Lv3 Upgrade:
ATK↑, SPD↑, DEF↓ + (Guard -2)

M.Bison +
Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Deadly Throw (close) / +
Psycho Fall (close) / +
Command Moves:
Pycho Punch +
Push Block Block + (necessary to spend a little guardbar)
Special Moves:
Psycho Crusher Attack +
Psycho Shot +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
__Skull Diver or + after Head Press
Somersault Skull Diver + , or +
Vega Warp Forward> + or
Vega Warp Backward> + or
Super Moves:
Psycho Crusher> +
Knee Press Nightmare +
Lv3 Super Moves:
Hyper Psycho Crusher + (Life <= 25% + Lv3)
(Downgrade Bison at the end)
Power Lv+1 +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Hooligan Suplex (close) / +
Frankensteiner (close) / +
Flying Neck Hunt (close) / +
Air Frankensteiner (close) / +
Command Moves:
Falling Arc +
Special Moves:
Spiral Arrow +
Sniping Arrow +
Cannon Spike +
Axle Spin Knuckle +
Doll Combination +
__Razor Edge Slicer do nothing
__Fatal Kick near head
__Spiral Arrow near waist
Super Moves:
Super Psycho Shot + (New Move)
Reverse Shaft Breaker + , or
Ground Assault +

Cancellable Attacks:
Close / Variable
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Hooligan Suplex (close) / +
Frankensteiner (close) / +
Flying Neck Hunt (close) / +
Air Frankensteiner (close) / +
Special Moves:
Spiral Arrow +
Cannon Spike +
Cannon Strike +
Cannon Revenge +
Axle Spin Knuckle +
Hooligan Combination +
__Razor Edge Slicer do nothing
__Fatal Leg Twister or + near head
__Cross Scissors Pressure or + near waist
Super Moves:
Spin Drive Smasher +
Reverse Shaft Breaker + , or
Lv3 Super Moves:
Killer Bee Assault +

Cancellable Attacks:
Standing (far)
Normal Throws:
Hooligan Suplex (close) / +
Frankensteiner (close) / +
Flying Neck Hunt (close) / +
Air Frankensteiner (close) / +
Command Moves:
Falling Arc +
Push Block Block + (necessary to spend a little guardbar)
Special Moves:
Spiral Arrow +
Cannon Spike +
Sniping Arrow +
Cannon Strike +
Mach Slide +
Earth Direct + (New Move)
Hooligan Combination +
__Razor Edge Slicer do nothing
__Fatal Leg Twister or + near head
__Cross Scissors Pressure or + near waist
Super Moves:
Psychic Knife + (New Move)
Spin Drive Smasher +
Ground Assault +